Do you want to experience new Italian wines on a continual basis even when not in Tuscany?

Then join our wine club!

We will send you an exclusive selection of six bottles, twice yearly, together with explanations about the wines and their producers, food pairings, serving suggestions, and more.

You will be able to continue your oeno-gastronomical education from home with the help of our selections, and prepare for your next visit to Italy!

Wine club is only available to customers in the EU and USA, excluding Utah, Hawaii, and Alaska.

Membership Information

Wine club membership lasts twelve months and is not automatically renewed.

You decide whether to renew your membership. We will let you know when your membership is soon to expire.

In each wine shipment, you will receive two bottles of top tier wines (Chianti Classico, Montalcino, Montepulciano, Bolgheri), one white wine, and three various gems that we deem worthy of your tasting!

We are constantly seeking out new wines for our members to taste and enjoy.

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